Sometimes we might feel like a white flower in a field of bluebonnets.
A bit out of place and just not quite ourselves. What we don’t realize is how we are unique, valuable and worthy.
“Who do you want to be?” "How do you want to show up in your life?" These are significant questions. If you are struggling to find yourself and want to show up differently in your life, consider seeking counseling. Change is hard but it can be more successful with a little bit of assistance from a professional. Denise is well equipped to assist with her warm, non-judgmental, caring guidance.
We often struggle with our identity and that sense that something just isn't quite right. At the end of the day we may question everything we did in light of this. We’ll ask ourselves things like “Why did I do that?” “What is wrong with me?” We’ll question who we believe we are, often being self-critical and get stuck not realizing that we really do have the option to change not only our actions and our thoughts, but our beliefs about who we are.
A shift in our perspective can be accomplished by just a little nudge. And maybe you’ll be able to answer the question, “Who do you want to be?”